The Witch Who Owned Time by Mia Story #kindleunlimited


Book Title: The Witch Who Owned Time

Author and Publisher: Mia Story 

Release Date: February 6, 2024

Genres: Contemporary bisexual transgender romance (MtF)

Tropes: Prostitution, witchcraft, persecution, evolution

Themes: Coming out, forgiveness, personal growth, pursuit of happiness

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 446 print pages

It is a standalone book.

The book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger.


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Mira has survived climate change and social upheaval. She lives in a deserted part of a small town in Iowa. Mother Nature has blessed her as have many spiritual beings. Mira finds a partner and lots of friends. She takes on the cause of Robot equality mostly because of her experiences as a transgender girl years ago. Due to climate change the ocean is now very near her town. Mira is instrumental in helping her community grow and evolve.


But all these thoughts just dissolved as they entered the water. For awhile Mira and Septa stood on the edge of the water and sand and let the little waves surge about their feet. Soon their feet were sunk in the sand.

“Why does the sand eat away from under my feet with the water Mira?”

“That is the tidal action sweetie. Tides are more than that little action however. They pull the water en masse out to sea and then bring it closer in. Soon Angelica and Mixy will have to move their umbrella and towel as the water will be lapping at their feet! You can see Mixy’s little castle is already in danger of wave invasion!”

Septa glanced over to Mixy and her castle and laughed as Mixy tried to keep the waves from destroying her creation.

“Maybe we should go and help poor Mixy?”

“No, she is learning about waves and the beach just like you. Besides it’s time you got wet!”

Mira grabbed Septa’s hand and pulled her out into an oncoming wave! Septa sputtered as she emerged from the wave breaking over her head.

“My nose is full of water! It hurts!”

“That is the salt water. Don’t try drinking it!”

Then Mira realized bots did not drink water and paused for a second. “Mira do you think it is OK if I swallowed some sea water?”

Septa had a desperate look on her face.

“It is OK Septa. I swallow it all the time. And my nose hurts too when it gets into it. Best to keep mouth closed and breathe out a little when the nose is covered in water. Why don’t we practice breathing out in the sea?”

Mira dipped her face into the water and made bubbles with her nose. Septa did the same thing and came up rubbing her eyes.

“Now my eyes hurt!”

“Oh yes, remember to close your eyes in salt water! We will bring masks and fins next time so you can open your eyes underwater.”

Mira and Septa spent a half hour playing in the shallow water, dodging the waves and splashing each other.

“OK dear, it is time for your first body surfing!”

Mira and Septa held hands as they walked out into the heavier surf. The waves looked so large close up! The waves came up as huge walls of water. Septa noticed that the waves were in groups, starting off little and getting larger, and then smaller again. One really big wave was coming at them.

“Now watch me closely Septa and then duck under the wave!”

Both girls could feel the tug of water out to sea as the wave came closer and closer. It was just about to break when Mira plunged ahead of it with her arms above her head and her hands coming to a point. The huge wave carried Mira away! Septa ducked under the wave and watched Mira get pushed into shore. She kept her head down and her body straight and looked like a human fish! Soon Mira was swimming back outto Septa.

“Your turn!”

“Oh Mira I’m afraid!”

“I will go with you. Just keep your eyes and mouth closed and body straight. Everything will be OK. If you get into trouble just stand up! I will help you if things feel too weird.”

Septa got low in the water. She could feel the tug backwards as the wave approached. She glanced back at the towering wave high over her head. She could see the very top was super thin and getting ready to break. Septa put her arms straight over her head and pushed off with her feet. She remembered to keep her eyes closed and breathed a small amount of air out of her nose. She could feel the wave catch her and propel her forward! She felt the wave break on her back as she surged forward! All was a tangle of water and foam and breakneck speed. But inside she felt calm, like this was nature speaking to her through the water. She felt like a baby being cradled by mother ocean! Septa kept her back and legs straight and felt like an arrow speeding to shore. She could sense someone beside her in the water. Then she felt the water torrent ease up and become shallow. Septa lifted up her head. She was already on the beach! She turned on her side and there was Mira lying next to her. They looked at each other and began to laugh!

About the Author

I have been writing short stories since my children asked for them. My first was about a skunk family and their interaction with a pig! I suppose my grad school experiences with art and English charted my course a bit. When I moved to Iowa from North Carolina I missed the ocean so much I wrote a whole novel about it. About that time I was studying the Ramayana and wrote a fairy story based on that. My first fairy friend was Coleste, a fairy that inhabited my computer. She is still with me today. My grandmother passed down many fairy stories and some knowledge she had inherited from her family. As best as I can figure it my family was in America to escape the witch hunting in England. But I could never be certain except for all the clues that were handed to me. Today I am truly grateful for my spirit friends. They helped me snap out of a downward spiral when my son died. To believe in fairies and spirits is not something I have to struggle with. It is something that is just part of me.

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